David Stoutamire
(650) 248 2866
Systems perspective at all levels, from management and architecture down to the nuts and bolts of compilation, runtimes, hardware and materials. I enjoy problems that require vision across disciplines to solve.
KAV Sports
2018 - present
Hardware and software platform for custom 3d printed helmets, including anatomical metrology, modelling, slicing, manufacturing and testing.
NWT Corporation
2017 - 2018
Developed interferometry hardware and software to map nuclear fuel rod corrosion at micron scale under radioactive, underwater, turbulent conditions.
Experience at Google
Senior Staff Engineer
2006 - 2010
Led video and book search teams. Managed engineers, developed metrics, prototyped algorithms, and deployed production code handling billions of clicks per day at high availability.
Video search including Youtube and integration across Google. Special requirements included DMCA, spam, inappropriate and duplicate content.
Book search including books.google.com and integration across Google. Special requirements included publisher viewability, copyright, and OCR.
Staff Engineer
2004 - 2006
Applied massively distributed machine learning algorithms to user logs.
Experience at Sun Microsystems
Senior Staff Engineer
2001 - 2004
Lead for Java performance. Designed and implemented parallel garbage collection, resource management, and noninvasive instrumentation. Created performance tracking and analysis tools and methodology. Conference presence.
Engineering Manager
1998 - 2001
Managed just-in-time compiler and performance teams delivering the fastest Java virtual machines across platforms and processors.
Staff Engineer
1997 - 1998
Maintained compiler, virtual machine, libraries and specifications; deployed genericity in Java type system.
Selected paper: Adding Genericity to the Java Programming Language, G. Bracha, M. Odersky, D. Stoutamire and P. Wadler, Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA '98), Oct. 1998.
Educational Experience
International Computer Science Institute
Technical Staff
Managed Sather language group, including design, software releases, documentation, web presence and conference representation.
Selected paper: Iteration Abstraction in Sather, S. Murer, S. Omohundro, D. Stoutamire and C. Szyperski, Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Vol. 18, No. 1, Jan 1996 p. 1-15.
University of California at Berkeley
Research Assistant
1992 - 1997
Sather language design and specification; wrote compiler, libraries, code generation and runtime. Bayesian and neural net hardware and software. Computational neurobiology.
PhD thesis on performance of memory hierarchies. Portable, Modular Expression of Locality, D. Stoutamire, University of California at Berkeley, 1997.
Case Western Reserve University
Teaching Assistant
1990 - 1992
Graduate numerical methods, VLSI, and hardware systems courses.
MS thesis on machine learning and game play. Machine Learning, Game Play, and Go, D. Stoutamire, Center for Automation and Intelligent Systems Research TR 91-128, Case Western Reserve University, 1991.
University of Akron
Student Assistant, Consultant
1987 - 1990
Code generation for tensor analysis of materials. Taught. Administered mainframes and Sun workstations.
BS Computer Science, 1989.
Patents at KAV
3D integration of padding, energy management, shell and attachments US-12004584-B2 Protective headgear with integrally-formed layer
3D printed bicycle helmet with constant force pad system US-20230119234-A1 Helmet Structures and Methods
Living hinge clip for face cage US-20220022589-A1 Helmet with Face Cage Push Clip
3D printed hockey helmet with integrated energy management US-20200138141-A1 Personalized Protective Headgear
Patent at NWT / EPRI
Interferometry and algorithms for measurement of corrosion on nuclear fuel rod surfaces at a distance under water US-20210389124-A1 Method for measuring surface characteristics in optically distorting media
Patents at Google
Fast convergence of logistic regressions with millions of variables across thousands of machines. US-7730074-B1 Accelerated large-scale optimization
Algorithms to predict what videos users want to watch, key to YouTube's explosive growth. US-8972392-B2 User interaction based related digital content items
US-8838649-B1 Determining reachability
US-8650203-B1 Iterated related item discovery
US-9088808-B1 User interaction based related video
US-9152708-B1 Target-video specific co-watched video clusters
Algorithms for managing spam - the ugly side of explosive growth. US-8572073-B1 Spam detection for user-generated multimedia items based on appearance in popular queries
US-9208157-B1 Spam detection for user-generated multimedia items based on concept clustering
US-8752184-B1 Spam detection for user-generated multimedia items based on keyword stuffing
General techniques for search result quality. US-8832083-B1 Combining user feedback
US-8903812-B1 Query independent quality signals
Patents at Sun Microsystems
Java can grow while remaining both binary and API compatible, makes Android possible. US-6018628-A Method of implementing parameterized types to be compatible with existing unparameterized libraries
Display cache locality using Hilbert curves. US-6211889-B1 Method and apparatus for visualizing locality within an address space
Optimize most objects won't require synchronization. US-6487652-B1 Method and apparatus for speculatively locking objects in an object-based system
Improve cache performance by dynamically reordering objects and compressing low entropy fields. US-6594678-B1 Methods and apparatus for improving locality of reference through memory management
US-6728852-B1 Methods and apparatus for reducing heap size through adaptive object representation
First parallel garbage collection algorithm using only two passes. US-7389395-B1 Split-reference, two-pass mark-compaction
References on request.